According to Job, "so with old age is wisdom," and I guess with the multiplication of gray hairs and the shrinking of stature (which I can hardly afford!), this proverb is to be a comfort. Instead, I feel with each day, that God is unveiling what "wisdom" actually means. In earlier years I would have equated this growth with the expansion of knowledge or insight. Now I wonder that it is not the expansion of awe. This poem was first published by Calla Press in June, 2024.
Aged But you have kept the good wine until now- John 2:10 It is taking years for the furrowed brow of this can’t be, to ease into its full-bodied now, the marvel of how can this be, when either and or, twist side to side for what is just, for that turn right, those slow sips from the dregs of reason, when truth heartens the fermented season— before life’s mercy spews from the left and the weight of my head spins dizzy round by what is found in the somehow— when far is near, first is last, fire is cloud, god is man; before it all began and mysteries, like me, ask to age, to mature the now— drunk from the barrel of a wondrous how.