Anthology and Angels
As a writer, one of the greatest blessings is to collaborate with other talented writers, and in my case, dear friends, to publish something beautiful. The Habitation Poetry Group has done it again. Habitations Volume II has gone live! I am so honored to publish with these incredibly creative and gifted writers.
To purchase this collection click here: Habitations Volume II
It is amazing how God orchestrates such detail in our lives. For me, and for so many of my friends, writing poems is a way to celebrate God’s work of art that is called a “life.” We often miss this
artistry in the hard moments, but with a little reflection, it is possible to re-member past struggles into something beautiful.
This poem comes from a late night drive many years ago in a snowstorm from Charlotte to Nashville. It was first published by
( Angel Mark 6:52 My tire glazed an ice patch, spun across the turnpike and plunged into a gulch of snow in the lonely hours of the night— until a lemon plastic jumpsuit waved in my window— a bald man wearing citrus, holding chains. Later, he was an angel— but then I only believed in the yellow suit, in cold coincidence, in kneeling on Sunday, and recited prayer— so I laughed. Days passed and my young, spit-filled eyes glimpsed trees walking, vats of wine water, a stray whale, a wet fleece— such sundry specters. Then after years of beholding the sky-loosed bread, fat fish-full nets, water-clogged rocks, divine winds— the clouds uncovered that evening’s apparitions, the moonlit head, silvery links, the golden suit So that sacred storms unchained my eyes to feast on manna and memory and marvel— and I could see and know what He meant by the loaves.