Now and Then
What if now and then met for coffee?
What if both were just as real?
This poem was published TODAY in Amethyst Review. It is a great space to discover poetry which is committed to finding the sacred in everyday life. Link: Now and Then
Now and Then “If things are real, then they are there all the time.” from C.S. Lewis’s The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe . . . so at the wardrobe she stretched her hands into the thick of fluffed fur, and buried her face in its endless layers, where warmth hung and she believed in the snug of deep-timbered darkness, every limb, breathing the songs of wooded worlds while at this wood desk I reach for what is hung above what I pen, a lily painted in oyster white wrapping me in limb, a robe of petals unfurling its golden heart within the whimsy of grassland wind beneath the same skies trusting light to throw wide today’s leaves with tomorrow’s then . . .