This month has been a pouring. Certainly of blessing, but most tangibly, of rain. Last Saturday, seven inches of rain drenched our earth in just a few hours, and my family stared out the windows in wonder. I was reminded of a poem that I wrote about a year ago. There were so many possibilites . . .
Published 5/19/23 Heart of Flesh Literary Journal
Genesis 2:6 - but a mist went up from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground.
You could have dribbled dew for eternity to green its grasslands— Or wrapped a water canopy around the wide expanse and tipped— Sonant sprinkles might have slipped from the tongues of angels— Instead mizzles bubbled from the bowels of earth’s lonely face Softening, wetting the sapped scapes of time’s birth— Until you bid man to irrigate your wet artistry And he bowed, thirsty, to evaporation— and a flooded earth.